Marketing course in the Perényi Palace

The NGO Pro Cultura Subcarpathica (PCS) – within the framework of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 – organized a marketing course at the Perényi Cultural Palace on 22 September.

The course was designed for the local entrepreneurs and craftsmen.

“The aim of the course is to give local entrepreneurs ideas on how to develop and sell their products more effectively”- said the director of Pro Cultura Subcarpathica, Marianna Pallagi.

In the beginning of the course, local businessman, Konstantin Popovics shared his professional experiences with the participants. In his What is needed for a successful business?  presentation, he provided some marketing tips to wine and cheese makers and business managers.

The interactive presentation was followed by a cultural program. Participants could taste the products of a local winemaker, István Varga and take part in a dance under the direction of the Szilágyi couple.
