Over 9,000 unemployed Ukrainians join ‘Army of Recovery’ project

As many as 9,081 unemployed Ukrainians have joined the „Army of Recovery” project, according to the State Employment Service.

„More than 9,000 unemployed people from 14 regions have taken part in socially useful works that accelerate the recovery of the country,” the State Employment Service wrote on Telegram.

The leaders in terms of the number of unemployed people involved in the projects are the following regions: Poltava region – 2,750 people involved; Donetsk region – 1,407 people; Sumy region – 1,238 people.

It is noted that UAH 56 million has been allocated to finance salaries for the performance of socially useful works.

As reported, the budget of the Compulsory State Social Insurance in Case of Unemployment envisages UAH 104 million for socially useful works in 2023.

Source: ukrinform.net

Photo: ukrinform.net