The results announcement of the “Nekem a kultúra” (“Culture to Me”) photo and drawing contest in Beregszász
The NGO Pro Cultura Subcarpathica (PCS) announced a photo and drawing contest in December 2024 titled “Nekem a kultúra”(“Culture to Me”) . The NGO welcomed applicants of all age groups who wished to show what culture means for them.
A total of 121 works were sent in for the contest: 52 drawings/paintings and 69 photos.
At the beginning of the results announcement Ildikó Orosz, president of PCS greeted the participants and wished luck to every applicant. She highlighted the importance of spreading, developing and unfolding the Transcarpathian cultural approach everywhere.
Established experts evaluated the entries in both categories. The artworks in the category of drawings were evaluated by Ágnes Kulin, president of Imre Révész Society of Transcarpathian Hungarian Fine Arts and Crafts, and painters Zoltán Gogola and Csaba Kutasi, while in the category of photos by photographers András Makó, László Fülöp and Gábor Homoki.
The winners received valuable prizes: a photo camera, an E-book reader, a digital drawing board, as well as various vouchers for IT and photographing services.
The winners:
Category of photos:
1st place: Brigitta Kész with her Elek bá’ (unc’ Elek) artwork
2nd place: Krisztina Radvánszki Szüreti Hagyományőrzés – Kígyós (Preserving Harvest Traditions – Kígyós) artwork
3rd place: Annabella Pősze’s photo
Category of drawings:
1st place: Rozália Tóth’s drawing
2nd place: Anna Szamborovszky’s drawing
3rd place: Kamilla László’s drawing
Angelina Popovics was awarded with a special prize.
Liza Erdődi received the special prize of Imre Révész Society of Transcarpathian Hungarian Fine Arts and Crafts.
Additionally all the applicants who were present received a pocketbook from the donation of the Junior Prima Prize awarded actor Miklós H. Vecsei.
We congratulate the winners!
Following the results announcement, the NGO Pro Cultura Subcarpathica organized an Attila József Night event on the Day of Hungarian Culture in Perényi Culture Mansion in Beregardó, where actor Miklós H. Vecsei with his Mondjad, Atikám! (Go on, Ati!) and Artisjus Prize winner Hungarian pianist Erik Tempfli performed.
The programme was achieved thanks to the support of the Hungarian Government and the Bethlen Gábor Fund.