Unconventional Pentecostal Workshop at the Nagybereg Ethnographical Museum

The Nagybereg Ethnographical Museum held its season-ending program on May 14th. Pro Cultura Subcarpathica (PCS) organized an unconventional Pentecostal workshop for young people.

As the holiday approached, thematic programs awaited the students. This time, students from the Tulipán Tanoda Hungarian Folk Art School in Beregszász and students from the Ilona Zrínyi Lyceum participated in the event.

At the opening ceremony, Adél Gál, the coordinator of the museum, welcomed the attendees and introduced the program of the day. She explained that this Pentecostal workshop was unusual because they changed the traditional workshops of previous years. She emphasized that earlier they organized competitive events, but this time they aimed to introduce Pentecost not only from the perspective of customs but also through biblical stories for children to delve deeper into.

In her speech, Andrea Fülöp, the consul of the Hungarian Consulate in Beregszász, emphasized the importance of preserving traditions. Following this, László Tóth, the dean and Reformed pastor of Nagybereg, read the Pentecostal story to the children. The pastor also gifted the students with colorful festive publications.

After the story, the enthusiastic young people were given a task. They had to find hidden notes scattered around the courtyard of the museum, on which details of the Pentecostal story were written. Later, they could piece together the fragments to form the whole story.

Under the leadership of Krisztina Botos, students from the Tulipán Tanoda performed a dance. Later, a handicraft workshop awaited the young participants. Andrea Kepics and Veronika Markó, artisans, helped the students make festive door decorations.

During the workshop, cottage cheese and apple crumble were baked in the oven, which the participants enjoyed together at the end.

The events of the Pro Cultura Subcarpathica at the Ethnographical Museum were realized with the support of the Csoóri Sándor Fund and the professional partnership of the Hungarian Heritage House Transcarpathian Branch Office.
